You watch, the age of 4 will soon be declared the age where children start to "form" a "gender."

Also, there's no such thing as "gender" outside grammar books. Humans don't have it. Nouns and adjectives do.

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They are now claiming that babies can determine their gender and until they can properly communicate, we shouldn't force them to live according to our preconceived notions. These people are sick.

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Transgenderism is the most perniciously evil and totalitarian ideology since Pol Pot.

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Right up there with pedophilia and sodomy

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Dec 24, 2023·edited Dec 24, 2023Liked by Samara

Brother, we are long past expressions of community outrage. Prepare for hard times.

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This is disgusting, it’s 100% blasphemy, I never expected to see something disturbing.

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This disturbing!! Substack erases words on its own. I know that it doesn’t, but saying makes me feel better because I do this a lot!

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It really is quite disgusting.

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I hate to say it but I’m not shocked in the least. Still disgusted to see but not surprised.

What a delusional world these people live in.

Also, I want to go ahead and bet that most of these kids attending drag story hour or getting involved deeper have little to no positive male role models in their lives. I hope many men can see this as a wake up call. If we’re not tending God’s sheep Satan will.

Also… the fact that the drag queen was involved in the Methodist church is telling. I just left that denomination for reasons surrounding this LGBTQ stuff. That nonsense has been festering in that denomination for a while but I had no idea. Here’s a little something I wrote about it:


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I am never surprised that man is still wicked. I have had many problems with Protestants and Catholics over their attitudes towards those promote and tolerate the sin of sodomy. As an Orthodox Christian I have nothing but intolerance for their sins. I may love God's children but that doesn't mean I have to put up with their sin. Undoubtedly none of this children have a strong male role model in their lives. That child that was indoctrinated to do drag for disgusting perverts that threw dollar bills at him like he was a stripper is an example. Though Desmond's father was in the picture, he undoubtedly is emasculated. His wife runs his household. By allowing this, the father neglects the family in its entirety. I enjoyed your piece on the Methodist church quite a lot. I think it's good that Methodist's are waking up to the reality that demons quickly entered the church when they divided it. If we are to ward off the forces of Satan then we will need to unite.

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Mommy has Draghausen by proxy syndrome.

A lot of them, and I mean a shocking number, do not stop until they start cutting up the child.

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Very troubling and eye opening. I disagree on one point, however, these people are not heretics, they're devil worshippers.

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I couldn't agree more.

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It still mystifies me how our most precious responsibility and resource, our children, were so easily, actually, not literally, thrown to the wolves to be devoured and a majority of adults are still allowing it!

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Honestly, it was some of the most disgusting stuff I saw. God have mercy on us for our sins.

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So sad, Samara, both what’s happened to you publicly & what’s happening to these kids.. God will find a way for your work.

I am particularly pleased you se unaffected -- your tone throughout this writing is matter-of-fact and relational, like you and I are just having a conversation. If this were my work, I’d be enraged & bitter, probably. God is obviously taking care of you & I pray for your continued protection. Lord, bless Samara always.🙏🔥

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Bless you as well. I have had worse things happen to me in my life so I bear my cross with the Lord's help.

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Wow. 😱

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Honestly it was one of the worst ones I ever investigated.

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I've known a lot of lesbians, and one of the best nurses I currently know is a man who has apparently been gay-married for 15 years. I doubt most of them, that I've known anyway, are at all pedo friendly, and the lesbians are not about to sleep with 'chicks with dicks', no effing way. You can say 'slippery slope' and might be right, but I think the demonic tranny pedos are a different new thing, not an organic outgrowth of LGB. None of this woke disease is organic: it's something that someone, some 'they', with real genuine Evil behind them, did to us. Some say moving away from organized religion did this: yeah, maybe. Might have created a vacuum the woke mind virus took advantage of, but that's all: the woke evil is real in itself, not just an absence of churchiness.

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I used to backcountry ski up around Pinkham and Franconia notches. Let me guess: of the 'Mountain Pride' group you mentioned, almost none are native to the area and almost all are a term I learned in N. Conway, 'Massholes'. And of course some New Yorkers. Almost all well-monied.

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